„Autumnal camp 2022“ even with the winning participation of our nursing student

    23.-26. 2022
    „Autumnal camp 2022“ even with the winning participation of our nursing student

    Patrícia Filipová, our third-year nursing student, took part in the „Autumnal camp 2022“ activity on November 23.-26. 2022. Twenty participants from slovak and czech universities (future nurses and doctors) competed in the real conditions of hospitals in Vranov nad Topľou and Humenné. Patrícia Filipová as a member of one of the teams has tried working in various specialized departments, namely assistance during a real operation and a real birth and during a night shift at the emergency unit she took care of the patients in the most critical condition. Our nursing student together with other four members of the team (further doctors) form the winning team and they won prize „Top team of the autumnal camp 2022“.
