Health teaching as a part of peer education

    26th of April, 2022
    Health teaching as a part of peer education

    Peer education is of great importance in terms of effective impact on young people's target groups. Educational consultant and coordinator of the Private Bilingual Grammar School in Ružomberok Silvia Adamčiaková MA, addressed the Faculty of Health Care of the Catholic University in Ružomberok with a request for health-educational lectures for high school students. The Department of Nursing and PhDr. Mgr. Mariana Magerčiaková, PhD., MPH, MBA, who also teaches a course focused on nursing education, coordinated the students of the 2nd year of the bachelor's nursing study program (Tíma Spišáková and Veronika Dujavová). On Tuesday, 26th of April, 2022, they presented an interactive lecture on "Alcohol and its negative effects on youth" to first- and third-year high school students. The education was conducted in the form of a presentation focused on the effects of alcohol and the risk of alcohol dependence syndrome, as well as through a joint discussion based on the participating students' own experience. Our nursing study program students do not only focus on acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of caring for sick people, but are also guided to acquire interventions aimed at healthy people in the field of prevention. The staff and students of the Department of Nursing have been carrying out several extracurricular activities with a focus on health protection and support for a long time. This year, the project of the Cultural and Educational Grant Agency (KEGA), which aims to support the health literacy of the adult population, was also approved.