Our nursing student at an international training

    From 31st August to 4th September 2022

    From 31st August to 4th September 2022, Peter Klinga, a student of the Department of nursing at the Faculty of Health care of the Catholic university in Ružomberok, participated in the international Field Training Exercise as a part of the Association of Samaritans of the Slovak Republic (ASSR), together with German and Austrian Samaritans, where they had to deal with different situations in related to devastating floods. From searching for, treating and transporting patients in difficult terrain, through movement in the terrain based on GPS coordinates, to communication via radio stations, behavior during unexpected police or military control and the like. The exercise took place in Spišská Bela-Strážky and in the surrounding area. Peter Klinga held the position of medic and his task was to provide medical care to the wounded and take care of medical equipment. This exercise was also the last stage of training in the ASSR, thanks to which the members of the Rapid deployment unit of the ASSR can be deployed on a mission at home, but also abroad.