EURAXESS – Researchers in motion is an initiative of the European Commission and the countries involved in the framework programs for EU research, the aim of which is to support researchers who are interested in developing their careers and their personal growth through mobility to other countries. In addition to information on further education and job opportunities, EURAXESS also provides a lot of practical information about a researcher's stay abroad in a given country.


    This support is achieved throgh folowing four areas:

    • EURAXESS Jobs – a free database of research vacancies, grants and research scholarships for domestic researchers, which allows them to search for offers based on the publication of their CV and for research organizations to publish and present vacancies and thus find a suitable expert at the European level; but also a tool for recruiting foreign researchers,
    • EURAXESS Services – a network of EURAXESS contact and service centers that provide free services and individual advice to domestic and foreign researchers on mobility
    • EURAXESS Rights – information on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, rights and obligations of researchers
    • EURAXESS Links – workplaces and portals for connecting European researchers working outside Europe for a long time with European organizations


    What does EURAXESS SERVICE CENTER offer?


    EURAXESS information and services are free of charge.

    An important communication tool in the work of the centers is the European portal EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion ( and the national EURAXESS portals.

    The Slovak portal EURAXESS ( is managed by SAIA in Slovak and English versions.

    EURAXESS Slovakia, (, centers for researchers and research organizations, is a part of the European network EURAXESS, in which approximately 600 service centers operate in 43 countries of the world.

    In Slovakia, the national network of EURAXESS centers consists of 6 offices of SAIA, n.o., namely Bratislava, Nitra, Žilina, Banskej Bystrica, Prešov and Košice ( Currently, the activities and projects of the EURAXESS national network are financed by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and the European Commission.


    EURAXESS Service Centers help remove obstacles that stand in the way of the smooth running of mobility programs; they provide information and services to foreign and Slovak researchers and their families regarding various aspects of mobility, including practical information:


    Our Euraxess service center at CU in Ružomberok will provide practical information including:

    access to the culture of the host country/language courses

    conditions of entry/visa/temporary stay

    work permit


    health insurance and health care

    job opportunities

    mediation of banking services

    matters related to family members

    recognition of diplomas

    administrative support

    conditions of departure and termination of stay


    Employees of Euraxess service centers strive with their activities to contribute to the further development of the career of researchers at all stages of their career.

    EURAXESS Office